Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Monday's Musings: Golden Apples

Before I say anything- yes, I know it's Monday's Musings, but it's Tuesday.... I wrote it yesterday... does that count??

It seems remiss to not mention Thanksgiving during Thanksgiving week- yet to be perfectly honest, it seems like there’s not much to say that hasn’t already been said on the subject- and said beautifully I might add!

So here’s what I’ll say on the subject (it’s not necessarily beautiful, but I do think it is quite profound!) before moving on… One of the main purposes of Thanksgiving is to actually show thankfulness for the blessings in your life. Look! Both words even have Thanks in them. Coincidence? I think not. I know... I know… mind blowing wisdom right there.

Although I’m not focusing on Thanksgiving, I have thought quite a bit about Thanksgiving Week. Over the next 7 days, each of us will have more conversations than we normally have with people that mean the most to us…. And yet, the crazy thing is that the opposite will happen the very next day (or that night).  We will have conversations that we normally would never have with people that we have never seen before and hope to never again.  

Despite the two ends of the spectrum, there is a common denominator between being with family at home or with enemies in the shopping lines: Conversations.

Like it or not- there will be words exchanged. You can’t help but spend a week with crazy Uncle Norman, or stand in line with the crazy lady buying 22 cat calendars for 6 hours at Target and not say anything at all. “So you like cat calendars?” will probably slip out at some point….

Solomon said this- The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21)

For someone whose love language is words of affirmation but yet is also extremely sarcastic, (ironic and odd, I know) that verse resonates with every part of me.

Looking back- words have changed my life. They have given me opportunities that I never thought possible.  To dream a bigger dream. To give someone a chance. To ask for forgiveness. To marry my best friend. To bring a smile to a sister. To bring life to my heart.

Yet they’ve also given me opportunities of destruction. To mock someone’s career. To belittle a stranger. To hurt my best friend. To make someone cringe. To disrespect my husband. To kill someone’s happiness.


Ordinary, everyday conversations can be turned into a weapon of destruction or an inspiration of life.

I remember when I first started thinking about speaking to young women, I struggled in my prayers. Was teaching and speaking really something I should pursue? It seemed a bit vague and yet also ambitious. Then the Lord brought me to this verse… Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances. (Proverbs 25:11) … and brought memories like these to mind.

In college, my mentor told me over coffee- “You can do that. You minister to women of all ages.” My dream of ministry became real.

My niece picks up the phone and says “Hi Holly- whatcha up to?” Her conversations bring joy to life in our family.

My best friend texts me “I miss you.” Our friendship remains vibrant although separated by hundreds of miles.

Today I received an email that simply said “I’m thankful for you.” That was it. Yet it brought a smile to my heart and to my lips. It brought a moment of “life” in my otherwise quiet afternoon.

My husband called me as he drove and asked “How’s your day going?” That was it. Yet the conversation that ensued brought laughter to us both…. Someone listening in might even say, it brought “life to my lunch break.

Those conversations are my apples of gold.
They glitter when everything else seems a little dull.  They keep me pushing forward when the weight of the world seems to push back. They bring life to my soul.



So this week as you talk to friend or foe, family or stranger, let’s try to remember the power of our words. Life and death are in our conversations. Which will we choose to deliver? Moments of golden apples that will always be remembered? Or moments of destruction that will never be forgotten?


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